Tithe, Offering, and Donation Management

Use ContributionLink easily to record and track tithes, offerings, and donations. Whether you have envelope numbers, pledges (even to multiple funds), or want to interface your contributions to e-giving solutions, you will find this system easy to use from setup to reporting. The real-time interface between ContributionLink and MemberLink eliminates the inconvenience and time required for duplicate entries when you have a separate system for donors and contributions! Should you already use an online giving option and want to keep it, not a problem; we provide multiple options for linking to most online giving providers.
ContributionLink features:
- Split Donations
- Unlimited Funds
- Member Access
- Statements
- Reporting
- Online & Offline Giving .
for a FREE online demo.
user friendly , and designed by others who share your heart for outreach. Kudos to C.A.A. Ministries.”
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