fully cloud-based,
unmatched in price & value!
Choose Your Desired Payment Option
$500 Annually or $50 Monthly
Includes FREE Database Conversion and Training
All included
Church MemberLink
– Gold Package –
MemberLink, ContributionLink, InventoryLink,
SchedulerLink, CheckinLink, and OutreachLink
Annual Pricing*
Save $100 per year when paid Annually,
you get 12-months for the price of 10

Monthly Pay is recurring and will process
on or about the same day of each month,
with a six months minimum commitment.
Monthly Pricing*

*Bundle Church MemberLink with CallingLink and Save Big!
When bundled you get BulletinLink included FREE!
A $350 per year savings!
Contact us for pricing details
INFO ABOUT> CallingLink
INFO ABOUT> BulletinLink